Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Project Idea...

I was thinking of further exploring Walt Whtiman's use of  women in his poetry. I have always been interested in gender roles and attempting to break out of the role given to us by society, or digging deeper into why these roles exist and why people continue to allow roles to guide them. I noticed in Whitman's poem, Song of myself that he uses woman to portray someone locked up, behind a glass door, or in a motherly way. I thought it would be interesting to compare the 1855 version to the 1860 version, to see if any of the women's roles or positions had changed. I realize its only a five year difference, but I'm willing to do some ore research regarding women in this time period and what happened in society during this time.
I would also look at reviews from women and articles written by women for Whitman's work.
As far as evidence of learning, I was thinking some sort of visual drawing to depict women in those times and now, but also maybe re-writing verses (or keeping them, but only reading the lines regarding women) that include women to go with the times now. And if times allows, get various women to read these lines and I can record them and put together a compilation.

1 comment:

  1. OKay . . that's a lot of work! But I like the idea a lot. I'm not sure how much change you'll see between 1855 and 1860 or even 1891 in re representations of women. Maybe better to focus on women readers and responders . . . I wonder if there's any difference between men and women readers/responders? Or, how W's poetry "fits" with different women's projects in the post-war era . . . from "angel in the house" to suffragism?
